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From harvesting of 2023/2024 we have those oil categories:

Il Re dei Sassi primizia – which is harvested from October 2nd to October 20th – produced early with very low yields. It is indeed a first. You will recognize it by its color…

Il Re dei Sassi – the classic Re dei Sassi which is harvested from October 21th to November 15th – mountain moraiolo with just a hint of veraison

The Abate OilΒ – which is harvested from November 15th onwards – moraiolo with veraison which produces a balanced oil maintaining its gustatory complexity

Sapone Liquido all’Olio d’Oliva da 250ml

Sapone all’olio d’oliva BIO, lavanda, limone e uva rossa

9.00 (VAT Incl.)
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Bagnodoccia all’Olio d’Oliva da 200ml

Bagnodoccia all’olio d’oliva BIO, salvia e lavanda

9.00 (VAT Incl.)
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Crema viso e corpo all’Olio d’Oliva da 180ml

Crema viso e corpo all’olio d’oliva BIO e agrumi

25.00 (VAT Incl.)
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The farm company received approximately 130,000 euros of investment support to improve the global performance and sustainability of the farm as part of the 2014-2020 PSR of the Umbria Region (for energy efficiency, for equipment for processing agricultural products and for carrying out the primary process).
